runrab: Group shot, getting the nephew out riding
runrab: Stream crossing in Big South Fork
runrab: Jim crossing the stream
runrab: One more family ride
runrab: On the Grand Gap Loop
runrab: View of the Big South Fork looking downstream
runrab: View of the Big South Fork looking upstream
runrab: Taking a break at an overlook in Big South Fork
runrab: Overlook selfie in Big South Fork
runrab: Dan and Amy in Big South Fork
runrab: Jim and Amy in Big South Fork
runrab: Jim headed into a rocky section
runrab: Jim speeding over a rooted section
runrab: Amy through the rocks and roots
runrab: Amy speeding by
runrab: Playing cards in the shelter
runrab: Alan tending the burgers
runrab: Alan and Dan at Station Camp
runrab: Turkey feather
runrab: Alan over some blow downs
runrab: Alan winding through the rock cliff on the John Muir Trail
runrab: Alan into the rock overhang turn
runrab: Alan under the rock overhang
runrab: Alan looking off into the future
runrab: Taking a break for a snack
runrab: I wish someone would look at me the way Alan looks at bacon