hiromu jimbo: sailing through the turquoise water
hiromu jimbo: terraced rice paddies
hiromu jimbo: "Hira gasy" orchestra
hiromu jimbo: sunset at Toliara
hiromu jimbo: mouse lemur on the banana swing
hiromu jimbo: cassava mountains
hiromu jimbo: continent drift
hiromu jimbo: fishermen preparing their net for the next fishing
hiromu jimbo: Ambalavao
hiromu jimbo: black and white ruffed lemur
hiromu jimbo: yellow flowers from cactus
hiromu jimbo: Ambalavao
hiromu jimbo: rodeside temptation
hiromu jimbo: at the second floor of Betsileo's two-storied house
hiromu jimbo: terraced rice paddies
hiromu jimbo: villagers making tamarind juice for me
hiromu jimbo: with "sakaizako"
hiromu jimbo: with baobab brothers
hiromu jimbo: on the Ifaty beach
hiromu jimbo: "masikita", brochette of zebu
hiromu jimbo: paper making
hiromu jimbo: sugar extraction from sugarcane & tamarind for "rhum"
hiromu jimbo: "Hira gasy" in "Famadihana" ceremony
hiromu jimbo: composé avec mofo
hiromu jimbo: a rodeside scene in central plateau
hiromu jimbo: cheerful girls
hiromu jimbo: sugar extraction from sugarcane & tamarind for "rhum"
hiromu jimbo: smoking "palaky",cigarette malagasy
hiromu jimbo: natural skyscraper
hiromu jimbo: their size doesn't fit into lens on my camera