hiromu jimbo: a dragonfly resting at point
hiromu jimbo: white coloured frog in Okavango delta
hiromu jimbo: attending moring assembly
hiromu jimbo: reed cormorant in Okavango delta
hiromu jimbo: at a San's settlement
hiromu jimbo: a San boy
hiromu jimbo: water lily
hiromu jimbo: the 46th birthday of Botswana
hiromu jimbo: Naro dictionary
hiromu jimbo: San boys
hiromu jimbo: porridge & beef
hiromu jimbo: a San boy
hiromu jimbo: Bechuanaland(1885-1966)
hiromu jimbo: lovely donkey cart made by Toyota
hiromu jimbo: herero miss independence competition
hiromu jimbo: ”mokoro" passing through Okavango delta
hiromu jimbo: a San man
hiromu jimbo: a small ower of horse
hiromu jimbo: a Tswana friend "Princess"
hiromu jimbo: palm tree fruit
hiromu jimbo: Kondo-san in Charles hill
hiromu jimbo: herero beauty
hiromu jimbo: herero beauty
hiromu jimbo: fishs fallen in a trap in Okavango delta
hiromu jimbo: descendants of the first residents in Southern Africa.
hiromu jimbo: barber shop in Kalahari
hiromu jimbo: puzzling menu in a local restaurant
hiromu jimbo: decontamination for foot and mouth desease
hiromu jimbo: tradittional figure of the San people