Bury Gardener: Perth Scotland Coronation Album 1903
Bury Gardener: Perth Scotland Coronation Album 1903
Bury Gardener: Garden Party Perth Photographic Convention at Tayside Perth 1903
Bury Gardener: Garden Party Perth Photographic Convention at Tayside Perth 1903
Bury Gardener: Garden Party Perth Photographic Convention at Tayside Perth 1903
Bury Gardener: Garden Party Perth Photographic Convention at Tayside Perth 1903
Bury Gardener: Garden Party Perth Photographic Convention at Tayside Perth 1903
Bury Gardener: Garden Party Perth Photographic Convention at Tayside Perth 1903
Bury Gardener: Garden Party Perth Photographic Convention at Tayside Perth 1903
Bury Gardener: Lady Pullar at Garden Party Perth Photographic Convention at Tayside Perth 1903
Bury Gardener: High Street Perth Scotland 1903
Bury Gardener: Grand Hotel Perth Scotland 1903
Bury Gardener: Tay Street Perth Scotland 1903
Bury Gardener: Fair Maid's House Perth Scotland 1903
Bury Gardener: St Leonards in the Fields Church Perth Scotland 1903
Bury Gardener: Cottage on Kinnoull Hill Perth Scotland 1903
Bury Gardener: Kinnoull Hill Perth Scotland 1903
Bury Gardener: Kinnoull Hill Tower Perth Scotland 1903
Bury Gardener: Hunting Tower Perth Scotland 1903
Bury Gardener: View from the Hunting Tower Perth Scotland 1903
Bury Gardener: Scone Palace Perth Scotland 1903
Bury Gardener: Burnmouth Ferry Perth Scotland 1903
Bury Gardener: Dunkeld Cathedral Perthshire 1903
Bury Gardener: Market Cross Dunkeld Perthshire 1903
Bury Gardener: Whipping Post Meikleour Perthshire 1903
Bury Gardener: Meikleour Cross Perthshire 1903
Bury Gardener: The Tay Near Dunkeld Perthshire 1903
Bury Gardener: Tea at Linn of Campsie
Bury Gardener: Blairgowrie Church 1903
Bury Gardener: Guides House Killiecrankie 1903