runningclouds: Silver Star
runningclouds: South Early WInter Spire 2,380m and Liberty Bell 2,341m from Washington Pass viepoint
runningclouds: Pretty sweet living room these guys have
runningclouds: GOAT: Nature's climber
runningclouds: All smiles Dan
runningclouds: Dan starting the slab traverse
runningclouds: Dan enjoyng the summit of Early WInter Spire
runningclouds: Washington State Highway 20 from the summit of Early Winter Spire
runningclouds: View of Mt. Baker from the summit of South Early Winter Spire
runningclouds: Empire Peak and Dominion Mountain
runningclouds: Mt. Baker from Yellow Aster Butte
runningclouds: The humpback summits of Yak Peak
runningclouds: Mt. Baker, Colfax and Lincoln Peak from Heliotrope Ridge
runningclouds: Colfax Peak
runningclouds: West Lion, 1654 m, coming out of clouds. As seen from the North summit of Unnecessary Mountain.
runningclouds: Grant Peak, the highest point on Mt. Baker, as seen from the summit of Sherman Peak.
runningclouds: North aspects of Goat East and Goat Mountain.
runningclouds: North side of Mt. Shuksan from Goat Mountain
runningclouds: The Owls
runningclouds: The twin peaks of Glarner Tödi and Sandgipfel
runningclouds: Fridolinshütte sitting below the NW face of Vorder and Hinter Schiben.
runningclouds: Looking SE from the summit of Cupola N4 to the horizon of Rocky Mountains (on the left) and Purcell Mountains.
runningclouds: Lonesome Crag, Polemic Peak, Tom Thumb Peak and Pyrite Peak (including Pyrite NE1) lording over Burnie Glacier.
runningclouds: Dent Blanche
runningclouds: Mt. Garibaldi and Patagonia rock garden at Sphinx Pass
runningclouds: The North aspects of The Tent and Mt. Garibaldi
runningclouds: Glacier Pikes on the left, Pyramid Mountain in the middle
runningclouds: Stockhorn and Matterhorn
runningclouds: View from the summit of Mt. Aragorn
runningclouds: Findeln with Matterhorn