RUNMAN78: Evan Jager - 3K Steeple Champ
RUNMAN78: Lucas at the bell
RUNMAN78: D'Agostino
RUNMAN78: Culley over Huddle
RUNMAN78: Conley leaning...
RUNMAN78: Conley outleans Lucas
RUNMAN78: Conley takes 3rd by 0.04
RUNMAN78: Lucas devastated
RUNMAN78: 5000m Olympians!
RUNMAN78: Lagat and Lomong
RUNMAN78: Trafeh leads
RUNMAN78: 3 Olympians
RUNMAN78: At the bell
RUNMAN78: 10m to go
RUNMAN78: Rupp Wins - A
RUNMAN78: Rupp Wins!