runneralan2004: Cardo ruins site
runneralan2004: Western Wall Plaza
runneralan2004: Women of the Wall service
runneralan2004: Women of the Wall service
runneralan2004: Heckler at the Women of the Wall service
runneralan2004: Police officer and Haredi observer
runneralan2004: Men supporting Women of the Wall service
runneralan2004: Police moving back Haredi hecklers
runneralan2004: Observers of the Women of the Wall service
runneralan2004: Montefiore Windmill
runneralan2004: Priest
runneralan2004: Mother and children
runneralan2004: Muslim Quarter
runneralan2004: Muslim Quarter
runneralan2004: Police assembled
runneralan2004: Father and sons
runneralan2004: Mahane Yehuda market
runneralan2004: Mahane Yehuda market
runneralan2004: Mahane Yehuda market
runneralan2004: Drori Yehoshua
runneralan2004: Uri Ayalon
runneralan2004: Shira Ben Sasson Furstenberg
runneralan2004: Father and son
runneralan2004: Dome of the Rock and Western Wall
runneralan2004: Riot police, Western Wall
runneralan2004: Western Wall
runneralan2004: Western Wall
runneralan2004: Dome of the Rock
runneralan2004: Graves on Mount of Olives
runneralan2004: Man with a shofar