runneralan2004: Horseshoe crab
runneralan2004: Horseshoe crab
runneralan2004: Go long
runneralan2004: Beach fishing
runneralan2004: Sharon checks out a horseshoe crab
runneralan2004: Kite flying
runneralan2004: Sharon on the rocks
runneralan2004: Oystercatchers
runneralan2004: Seagulls and oystercatchers
runneralan2004: How 'bout them Rams?
runneralan2004: Kid on the beach
runneralan2004: Blue heron
runneralan2004: Lighthouse reflection
runneralan2004: Geese and goslings
runneralan2004: Geese and goslings
runneralan2004: Geese and goslings
runneralan2004: Red wing blackbird
runneralan2004: Goslings
runneralan2004: Victorian architecture
runneralan2004: Fisherman on the rocks
runneralan2004: Beach fisherman
runneralan2004: Beach metal detector
runneralan2004: Beach fisherman
runneralan2004: Coast Guard firing range
runneralan2004: Beach solitude
runneralan2004: Birds on posts
runneralan2004: Playing on the beach
runneralan2004: Paddle surfer
runneralan2004: Victorian weekend
runneralan2004: World War II gun emplacement