Pictures from Rungholt: kibbutz dalia dreissiger jahre
Pictures from Rungholt: My father in law's father: building the kibbutz
Pictures from Rungholt: on the left: my father in law
Pictures from Rungholt: Father in law, working in the kibbutz factory
Pictures from Rungholt: My father in law as young man
Pictures from Rungholt: My in-laws .... many years ago
Pictures from Rungholt: Mother and son in the babyhouse
Pictures from Rungholt: My mother in law and her first born son
Pictures from Rungholt: chanukka in the children house
Pictures from Rungholt: Y. in kindergarten
Pictures from Rungholt: Sheyne mishpuche
Pictures from Rungholt: Purim: Y. as Russian
Pictures from Rungholt: Brother in law
Pictures from Rungholt: Paratrooper with his sister
Pictures from Rungholt: My sister in law getting married
Pictures from Rungholt: sister in law's wedding, 1988
Pictures from Rungholt: Bridegroom, bride, her mother and brother
Pictures from Rungholt: Y.s much beloved grandmother
Pictures from Rungholt: comparison: my mother in law and her lost father
Pictures from Rungholt: my mother in law with her sister and mother
Pictures from Rungholt: my mother in law with her brother