run comrade: FALLAS, HOLY SHIT!
run comrade: Matt the ex-vegetarian
run comrade: mini-mascleta
run comrade: beer for the bull fight
run comrade: group shot
run comrade: BULL FIGHT!
run comrade: the other contender for best paella
run comrade: The view from Ditte's room at 247am
run comrade: fireworks
run comrade: fireworks
run comrade: fireworks
run comrade: fallas!
run comrade: light!
run comrade: fallas
run comrade: late night churros anyone?
run comrade: Dear Julien et Nicolas
run comrade: Erasmus dinner party
run comrade: fire parade
run comrade: Fallas Mascleta
run comrade: Matt & Emily and the fire
run comrade: a falleres