run comrade: terminal 1 very early in the morning
run comrade: i love taking pictures from planes
run comrade: sky shot
run comrade: my $1.58 sunglasses i never used b/c michelle gave me her goggles when we went skiing
run comrade: michelle
run comrade: grandparents are SO cute when they match!
run comrade: why would you do that?
run comrade: some sort of expensive car that makes my brother excited
run comrade: what a bare bare fridge.
run comrade: bare essentials
run comrade: such an engineer
run comrade: view from my dad's apt.
run comrade: the view at night
run comrade: we should be wearing boots.
run comrade: imagine i dropped my camera while i was on the ski lift?
run comrade: michelle's journey
run comrade: christophe
run comrade: so surreal banff is
run comrade: that's me!
run comrade: sunshine village, banff, alberta
run comrade: my family minus brian & mom
run comrade: DSCN6312
run comrade: floppy christopher
run comrade: that's me too!
run comrade: HUGE iPod ad
run comrade: banana republic what are you doing?
run comrade: i WISH i owned this one.
run comrade: we own this one for sure