RunAwayJanet: Chillin out with the boy tonight under piles of blankets watching a movie. It's a pretty darn good evening.
RunAwayJanet: Watching boys play basketball with running buddy Steve N. His kid's team is playing ours. Good times!
RunAwayJanet: Random stuff around the house. We aren't short on school supplies @mayomaster . We do have pencils.
RunAwayJanet: Play off game. 14:5 at the end of first qtr. So far so good.... @mayomaster
RunAwayJanet: Great game guys! Play off game #2 score 28:16. @mayomaster
RunAwayJanet: Hanging out at Mom's. Jeannie gets red from wine. Bahahaha @jeanbot @guitarhero2000
RunAwayJanet: Luke and Cristina before she took off #chicked
RunAwayJanet: Running with the chicks. #miler @guitarhero2000
RunAwayJanet: #Track meet. #spandex #lycra
RunAwayJanet: Lunch date! #SaturdaySelfie @guitarhero2000
RunAwayJanet: The standard 7th grade school photo. Braces and all.
RunAwayJanet: #guitarlesson
RunAwayJanet: The boys are getting ready to play a little one on one #age13
RunAwayJanet: Luke and Andy in a #PlankOff !! (Luke won)
RunAwayJanet: Summer #haircut for my young man. #Handsome Head
RunAwayJanet: Didn't get to his bus stop on time. Skies opened up on the kid. #drenched in the storm walking home. But he's home safe and sound
RunAwayJanet: Luke started playing #basketball with the big boys this summer. Whole different ball game .. and 13 year olds that are ridiculously tall.
RunAwayJanet: Had lunch at "The Pig AND Steak Bbq". Not much to eat for this here vegan. Luke ate the deceased flesh of a cow. Might have still been moo -ing #campvarsity #campvisit #funnysign #slowkids
RunAwayJanet: Like a dutiful Korean boy (ok half) Luke got a math award today at the end of year ceremonies. Yea buddy!
RunAwayJanet: Monday Night #GuitarLesson with adorable super sweet resident cuddly #ChihuahuaMixPup named Zeppelin on my lap. So so cute
RunAwayJanet: Finally got some pics of my winner of age group and fifth overall. #kidtri
RunAwayJanet: This year, he was #NOTCHICKED. Apparently, this was important to him
RunAwayJanet: Pre race #gameface. Wish I could've been there. Who knew he was racing the one weekend I'm out of town?