rulenumberone2: What more does one need?
rulenumberone2: At Google in Sunnyvale
rulenumberone2: In Hot Water
rulenumberone2: Pride Week
rulenumberone2: They're "basically" free
rulenumberone2: San Francisco
rulenumberone2: Rental in San Francisco
rulenumberone2: Future Generations
rulenumberone2: I'll try
rulenumberone2: Mark Twain
rulenumberone2: 1. place back of head here 2. take a photo 3. send
rulenumberone2: "place the back of your head here, snap photo, send"
rulenumberone2: "stand here turn around and smile"
rulenumberone2: NO...and if you're still tempted then NO 8 more times.
rulenumberone2: Change
rulenumberone2: I Love You : ) Meow
rulenumberone2: Dume Rodi Splat
rulenumberone2: No, unless you help...
rulenumberone2: People say I have a bad attitude. I say screw'em.
rulenumberone2: No, No and No