rukia-san ♥♪♫ I MISS YOU FLICKR!!!!: Day 39/365. Seek out that particular mental attribute which makes you feel most deeply and vitally alive, along with which comes the inner voice which says, "This is the real me"...
rukia-san ♥♪♫ I MISS YOU FLICKR!!!!: Day 36/365. strobist attempt #1 = failed.
rukia-san ♥♪♫ I MISS YOU FLICKR!!!!: Day 17/365. Feelin' the same way...
rukia-san ♥♪♫ I MISS YOU FLICKR!!!!: Day 46/365. Unsolicited Ad =)
rukia-san ♥♪♫ I MISS YOU FLICKR!!!!: Day 51/365. You are...home where I wanted to go.
rukia-san ♥♪♫ I MISS YOU FLICKR!!!!: We have to stop procrastinating, pretending that we have forever to do what we want to do and to be what we long to be.
rukia-san ♥♪♫ I MISS YOU FLICKR!!!!: The simple act of reflecting, the simple act of pausing to consider, to reason, can have an impact.
rukia-san ♥♪♫ I MISS YOU FLICKR!!!!: You are worried about seeing them spend their early years in doing nothing.
rukia-san ♥♪♫ I MISS YOU FLICKR!!!!: You must be the change you wish to see in the world.
rukia-san ♥♪♫ I MISS YOU FLICKR!!!!: the MAN-Behind-the-WOMAN-Behind-the-Lens.