rukia-san ♥♪♫ I MISS YOU FLICKR!!!!: Day 23/365. We look at the heavens nightly, but there are those with us who at a certain ineffable moment catch, as it were, the eye of a star. —Laura Spencer Portor
rukia-san ♥♪♫ I MISS YOU FLICKR!!!!: "We should not feel embarrassed by our difficulties, only by our failure to grow anything beautiful from them." —Alain de Botton
rukia-san ♥♪♫ I MISS YOU FLICKR!!!!: we'll be under the same sky
rukia-san ♥♪♫ I MISS YOU FLICKR!!!!: There are those who work all day. Those who dream all day. And those who spend an hour dreaming before setting to work to fulfill those dreams. Go into the third category because there’s virtually no competition. ---Steven J Ross
rukia-san ♥♪♫ I MISS YOU FLICKR!!!!: Day 38/365. The way to a wo[man]'s heart is thru her stomach.
rukia-san ♥♪♫ I MISS YOU FLICKR!!!!: It's never too late to have a happy childhood.
rukia-san ♥♪♫ I MISS YOU FLICKR!!!!: Day 51/365. You are...home where I wanted to go.
rukia-san ♥♪♫ I MISS YOU FLICKR!!!!: Day 58/365. If I have been of service, if I have glimpsed more of the nature and essence of ultimate good, if I am inspired to reach wider horizons of thought and action, if I am at peace with myself...
rukia-san ♥♪♫ I MISS YOU FLICKR!!!!: Day 71/365. When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds.
rukia-san ♥♪♫ I MISS YOU FLICKR!!!!: Day 65/365. oh bumming days
rukia-san ♥♪♫ I MISS YOU FLICKR!!!!: "In a friend you find a second self."
rukia-san ♥♪♫ I MISS YOU FLICKR!!!!: “Open your eyes, look within. Are you satisfied with the life you're living?”
rukia-san ♥♪♫ I MISS YOU FLICKR!!!!: Day 61/365. a pretty bed of .....
rukia-san ♥♪♫ I MISS YOU FLICKR!!!!: Day 84/365. Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving.
rukia-san ♥♪♫ I MISS YOU FLICKR!!!!: Day 83/365. Failure is an event, not a person. Yesterday ended last night.
rukia-san ♥♪♫ I MISS YOU FLICKR!!!!: Day 88/365. When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence.
rukia-san ♥♪♫ I MISS YOU FLICKR!!!!: We have to stop procrastinating, pretending that we have forever to do what we want to do and to be what we long to be.
rukia-san ♥♪♫ I MISS YOU FLICKR!!!!: Day 94/365. This heart, it beats.
rukia-san ♥♪♫ I MISS YOU FLICKR!!!!: "I am always a believer of the Big Picture."
rukia-san ♥♪♫ I MISS YOU FLICKR!!!!: Day 99/365. It always comes back to the same necessity: go deep enough and there is a bedrock of truth, however hard.
rukia-san ♥♪♫ I MISS YOU FLICKR!!!!: You need to claim the events in your life to make yourself yours.
rukia-san ♥♪♫ I MISS YOU FLICKR!!!!: Day 100/365. At the height of laughter, the Universe is flung into a kaleidoscope of new possibilities.
rukia-san ♥♪♫ I MISS YOU FLICKR!!!!: I'd rather chase your shadow all my life than be afraid of my own.