Rukasu1: Guilin Pagodas
Rukasu1: Guilin Karst
Rukasu1: Liberation Bridge
Rukasu1: Chinese Chess
Rukasu1: Guilin Cave Art
Rukasu1: Guilin from Above
Rukasu1: Street Food
Rukasu1: Liberation Bridge
Rukasu1: Butterfly
Rukasu1: Temple
Rukasu1: Flags
Rukasu1: Incense Sticks
Rukasu1: Incense Sticks
Rukasu1: Temple Park
Rukasu1: Red With Anger
Rukasu1: Golden Buddha
Rukasu1: Golden Buddha
Rukasu1: Monkeys!
Rukasu1: Riding a Motorcycle Taxi
Rukasu1: Yangshuo Sunset
Rukasu1: Yangshuo Fruit Market
Rukasu1: Xi Jie
Rukasu1: Xi Jie Shops
Rukasu1: Sight from Coffee House
Rukasu1: Snowy, Tintin, Chang and Some Little Kid
Rukasu1: Back alley Home
Rukasu1: View from my hostel (south)
Rukasu1: View from hostel (north)
Rukasu1: Karst
Rukasu1: Road to Nowhere