Ruhi, the clicker: Barn Swallow
Ruhi, the clicker: Northern Cardinal (M)
Ruhi, the clicker: Red-winged Blackbird (M)
Ruhi, the clicker: Mrs. Great tailed Grackle
Ruhi, the clicker: Mr. Great tailed Grackle
Ruhi, the clicker: Cedar Waxwing
Ruhi, the clicker: Mourning Dove
Ruhi, the clicker: In love and war!
Ruhi, the clicker: Skyscape at BFT Park.
Ruhi, the clicker: One fine evening...
Ruhi, the clicker: End of fall...
Ruhi, the clicker: As the Spring arrive!
Ruhi, the clicker: Northern Mockingbird
Ruhi, the clicker: Cute puppy.
Ruhi, the clicker: Krispy Kreme!
Ruhi, the clicker: The Mustangs of Las Colinas
Ruhi, the clicker: As the sun sets in Las Colinas...
Ruhi, the clicker: Dallas Bloooms 2009
Ruhi, the clicker: Tulips on Fire
Ruhi, the clicker: Distinct Red!
Ruhi, the clicker: Pink Tulip Bulbs
Ruhi, the clicker: Violet bulbs
Ruhi, the clicker: White Rock Lake view
Ruhi, the clicker: Beauty and no less...
Ruhi, the clicker: Gift a bench!
Ruhi, the clicker: Yellow bloom!
Ruhi, the clicker: Great-tailed Grackle (F)