Frederic Humbert ( Tom Browne comics - Well Thats a Try Anyway
Frederic Humbert ( J.F. Byrne Moseley, Midlands & England
Frederic Humbert ( Louis Magee, Bective Rangers, London Irish & Ireland
Frederic Humbert ( Rugby Italy, fascist propaganda, c1930
Frederic Humbert ( The School Boys Annual 1932
Frederic Humbert ( Rugby college : the Big-Side
Frederic Humbert ( Football Colours of some of our Public Schools
Frederic Humbert ( International football caps
Frederic Humbert ( Foot.incidents Oxford Cambridge 1905
Frederic Humbert ( Famous English Football Players 1881
Frederic Humbert ( English team for Australia 1888 (Seddon, Stoddart)