rufusandroxy: decapitated bride for halloween
rufusandroxy: this one cackles and moves
rufusandroxy: wide shot of my decorations
rufusandroxy: My haunted graveyard
rufusandroxy: creep guy I made with a glass eye etc
rufusandroxy: he was buys this year and decapitated my bride girl
rufusandroxy: he he he he
rufusandroxy: this one cackles and moves too
rufusandroxy: another homemade ghost
rufusandroxy: some new gravediggers
rufusandroxy: homemade lady ghost and adapted purchased ghost
rufusandroxy: more gravediggers
rufusandroxy: haunted guy who sits on my front porch
rufusandroxy: this one is also motion activated
rufusandroxy: from my front porch
rufusandroxy: my butler motion activated at the front door
rufusandroxy: halloween at my house 2009
rufusandroxy: halloween at my house 2009
rufusandroxy: halloween at my house 2009
rufusandroxy: halloween at my house 2009
rufusandroxy: halloween at my house 2009
rufusandroxy: halloween at my house 2009
rufusandroxy: halloween at my house 2009
rufusandroxy: halloween at my house 2009
rufusandroxy: halloween at my house 2009
rufusandroxy: halloween at my house 2009
rufusandroxy: halloween at my house 2009
rufusandroxy: halloween at my house 2009
rufusandroxy: halloween at my house 2009
rufusandroxy: halloween at my house 2009