rudyschnick: P5161118 - Copy
rudyschnick: HPIM4851 - Copy
rudyschnick: HPIM5020 - Copy
rudyschnick: HPIM4990 - Copy (2) / this way to the emeral city
rudyschnick: HPIM5149 - Copy
rudyschnick: HPIM4776 - Copy
rudyschnick: P4290702 - Copy
rudyschnick: IMG_5039
rudyschnick: IMG_0871
rudyschnick: HPIM4540 - Copy / bridging the seasons
rudyschnick: IMG_2334a
rudyschnick: IMG_2321a
rudyschnick: IMG_2312a
rudyschnick: IMG_2310a / old ammo factory
rudyschnick: IMG_3077a
rudyschnick: IMG_2756a
rudyschnick: IMG_2455a
rudyschnick: IMG_2450a
rudyschnick: IMG_2447a
rudyschnick: IMG_2438a / it's all down hill from here
rudyschnick: IMG_2437a / another good man has fallen
rudyschnick: IMG_2431a / stairway to the other side
rudyschnick: IMG_3796a
rudyschnick: IMG_1804 (2) / even the trees are dead
rudyschnick: IMG_1881 / one for cars and one for people
rudyschnick: IMG_1914 (2) / coal conveyor belt ashtabula, ohio harbour
rudyschnick: IMG_2282 (2)
rudyschnick: IMG_2524 (2)
rudyschnick: IMG_3115
rudyschnick: IMG_3236