Bob_ Perry: US 395 just north of Kramer Jct 9-1-10 on our way to Yosemite and Tuolumne Meadows
Bob_ Perry: Lembert Dome - Yosemite - Tuolumne Meadows (Gibson photo) 8-08
Bob_ Perry: Lembert Dome in sunset pink (Gibson photo) August 2008 as seen from the east edge of the Tuolumne Meadows Campground
Bob_ Perry: Fuzzy vegetation on a hike to Kuna Lake (gibson photo) - Aug 2008
Bob_ Perry: Tuolumne Meadows campground site C-49 - It's easy on trailers and my favorite site
Bob_ Perry: Bridge near Parsons Lodge 8-14-08 - Built in 1915 it was the only bridge over the river for many years. The swimming is great - the water is always too cold! It got new wood rails and deck in 2010.
Bob_ Perry: Tuolumne River at bridge near Parsons Lodge August 2008 - good swimming but cold water - water warmest about 6 p.m.
Bob_ Perry: Tuolumne River from bridge near Parsons Lodge 8-17-2008
Bob_ Perry: Tuolumne River from Parsons bridge August 2008 - best time to swim here is 5 p.m. as the water is at the warmest - still too cold!! - for a larger view RIGHT CLICK on image then select ORIGINAL
Bob_ Perry: 1915 foot bridge near Parsons Lodge - good place to swim - (for a larger image LEFT CLICK on the image)
Bob_ Perry: All new wood on the 95 year old (1915) bridge near Parsons Lodge - Sep 3, 2010
Bob_ Perry: Bridge near Parsons Lodge 1st week of April 2010 - Soda Springs right-center - For a larger view LEFT CLICK ON THE IMAGE. == three photos coming show same spot in the summer
Bob_ Perry: Photo of bridge at Parsons Lodge in early April 2010 - Soda Springs right center == the next three photos should be of the same spot in summer
Bob_ Perry: 1915 Bridge by Parsons Lodge Sep. 6, 2010. Notice Soda Springs in the right distance? (Tuolumne Meadows, Yosemite)
Bob_ Perry: Bridge (built 1915) near Parsons Lodge - all new wood 2010 (on a steel or iron frame) - 9-3-10 Soda Springs is behind the tree left center.
Bob_ Perry: 1915 Footbridge by Parsons Lodge and Soda Springs 2010 - Lembert Dme is center - for a larger view LEFT CLICK ON THE IMAGE
Bob_ Perry: Footbridge by Parsons Lodge (built 1915) - August 2008
Bob_ Perry: Parsons Lodge - Tuolumne Meadows - BUILT IN 1915 - (for a larger image LEFT CLICK ON THE IMAGE)
Bob_ Perry: Soda springs from Parsons Lodge 8-17-08 - a log wall surrounds the springs to keep deer out
Bob_ Perry: Tuolumne Meadows and Lembert Dome view from Parsons Lodge August 2008
Bob_ Perry: Parson's Lodge Tuolumne Meadows 9-3-10 - Yosemite NP
Bob_ Perry: Original door - Tuolumne Meadows - 9-3-10
Bob_ Perry: Interior of Parsons Lodge - Tuolumne Meadows 9-3-10
Bob_ Perry: Interior Parsons Lodge - Tuolumne Meadows 9-3-10
Bob_ Perry: Interior of Parsons Lodge - Tuolumne Meadows 9-3-10 dd
Bob_ Perry: Kids at Soda Springs near Parsons Lodge - Tuolumne Meadows - August 2008
Bob_ Perry: Louise at Soda Springs - next to Parsons Lodge in Tuolumne Meadows - Yosemite 8-17-08
Bob_ Perry: VIDEO (15 sec.) 2008 Tuolumne Meadows Soda Springs near Parson's Lodge: The carbonated water from this bubbling spring is drinkable. Some people add Kool-aid.
Bob_ Perry: Runoff from soda springs - Tuolumne Meadows - Yosemite August 2008
Bob_ Perry: Bob on the sewerage pond road - Unicorn Peak in distance - Aug 2008 - the sewage ponds look just like mountain lakes except for the rubber lining!