RudyLopez: Window and brick road
RudyLopez: Bricks
RudyLopez: Wrong color for graffiti cover up
RudyLopez: Offset boards and alley trash
RudyLopez: Colorful alley
RudyLopez: Urban back porch
RudyLopez: Red hat and crosswalk
RudyLopez: Three angled walls
RudyLopez: Bricks, glass, and old paint
RudyLopez: Bricks and old paint
RudyLopez: Circle in the city
RudyLopez: Ivy, bricks, and glass
RudyLopez: Ivy and bricks
RudyLopez: Colorful rectangles
RudyLopez: Old Seattle
RudyLopez: Two buildings compressed
RudyLopez: Corrugated roof and concertina wire
RudyLopez: Angle and arches
RudyLopez: Large rectangles
RudyLopez: Dolls and arches
RudyLopez: Dolls and arches
RudyLopez: Seattle skyline from Magnolia