randomduck: Rudi and sprite
randomduck: Laura, Rudi, sprite and Kim Doughty
randomduck: Nina and Lily
randomduck: Laura the chuppah attendant
randomduck: Nina
randomduck: The blessed wine (B&W)
randomduck: The blessed wine
randomduck: Lily smiles
randomduck: Nina is surprised
randomduck: Lily and her balloon
randomduck: sprite reacts to a balloon attack
randomduck: Nina and Lily with balloons
randomduck: Nina aims...
randomduck: Rachael and Laura
randomduck: The Goosmans
randomduck: Mother of the bride walks in
randomduck: Laura, Jason and John
randomduck: An eager groom
randomduck: The blushing bride
randomduck: About to start...
randomduck: The rabbi says some opening prayers.
randomduck: Such a happy couple
randomduck: Laura and Jason look on
randomduck: A wedding blessing
randomduck: The moment is almost at hand
randomduck: The rabbi sings
randomduck: Closing remarks from the rabbi
randomduck: Kim is so happy
randomduck: A moment of levity from the rabbi
randomduck: John and Kim