randomduck: Handing the rosters to the umpires
randomduck: Nick Johnson
randomduck: Astacio delivers to Winn
randomduck: Omar Vizquel
randomduck: Bonds waits his turn
randomduck: Nick Johnson at bat
randomduck: Strike!
randomduck: Bonds swings
randomduck: Strike two!
randomduck: Pedro Astacio
randomduck: Presidents Race
randomduck: George races ahead
randomduck: Washington and Jefferson
randomduck: Marlon Anderson at the plate
randomduck: Keepin' the plate clean
randomduck: Ryan Church swings...
randomduck: Schneider at the plate
randomduck: Soriano looks out for trades...
randomduck: Soriano draws a strike
randomduck: Swinging deep
randomduck: Vizcaino and Winn warm up
randomduck: Stanton pitches
randomduck: Stanton in action
randomduck: Tracking the strike
randomduck: The pitch...
randomduck: Incoming...
randomduck: A tip in the dirt...