Rubys Host: Masters Friends
Rubys Host: The Artist Mermaid Hawley
Rubys Host: Master & Family
Rubys Host: Mural of Master - Genaoro Venegas Rivera
Rubys Host: The finishing touches
Rubys Host: Almost done
Rubys Host: Painting Masters Hat
Rubys Host: Michaael & Mermaid Hawley
Rubys Host: P3273451
Rubys Host: Creating Masters Hat
Rubys Host: P3273449
Rubys Host: P3273437
Rubys Host: P3273447
Rubys Host: Hawley creating Masters suite
Rubys Host: Early am painting for finishing touches day of unveiling
Rubys Host: P3273427
Rubys Host: lettering
Rubys Host: Painter
Rubys Host: Master Outline by Mermaid Hawley with Charlie Denson
Rubys Host: Outline of Master being created
Rubys Host: Night painting
Rubys Host: Master's outline on Rubys Gate
Rubys Host: Mermaid Halwey & Carol Lipnik
Rubys Host: Signature
Rubys Host: Signature
Rubys Host: Bambi Mermaid on Ruby's Gate
Rubys Host: Paint War
Rubys Host: Mermaid Working on Lettering
Rubys Host: Mermaid working
Rubys Host: Work on Bambi's portrait