Ruby Re-Usable: 1Bil Fleming TESC 015
Ruby Re-Usable: 2Bil Fleming TESC 014
Ruby Re-Usable: 3Bil Fleming TESC 008
Ruby Re-Usable: 8Bil Fleming TESC 023
Ruby Re-Usable: 7Bil Fleming TESC 022
Ruby Re-Usable: 11Bil Fleming TESC 020
Ruby Re-Usable: 10Bil Fleming TESC 017
Ruby Re-Usable: 9Bil Fleming TESC 016
Ruby Re-Usable: 6Bil Fleming TESC 012
Ruby Re-Usable: 5Bil Fleming TESC 011 evergreenstatecollege TESC
Ruby Re-Usable: 4Bil Fleming TESC 007 evergreenstatecollege TESC
Ruby Re-Usable: March2008Seattle 084
Ruby Re-Usable: March2008Seattle 087
Ruby Re-Usable: March2008Seattle 097
Ruby Re-Usable: March2008Seattle 093
Ruby Re-Usable: March2008Seattle 091
Ruby Re-Usable: March2008Seattle 085
Ruby Re-Usable: March2008Seattle 106
Ruby Re-Usable: July 029
Ruby Re-Usable: Ruby received an art car necklace for her birthday
Ruby Re-Usable: Ruby received an art car necklace from Kelly for her bd
Ruby Re-Usable: Bil Fleming installation at OFS
Ruby Re-Usable: Bil Fleming installlation at OFS detail
Ruby Re-Usable: Ruby and Russ
Ruby Re-Usable: Stu Gullstrand's recycled art fetishes
Ruby Re-Usable: Stu Gullstrand's recycled art 2
Ruby Re-Usable: Stu Gullstrand's bottle cap eyeballs
Ruby Re-Usable: Stu and Russ
Ruby Re-Usable: Stu and Lisa B
Ruby Re-Usable: Russ and Stu