Rublev's Pupil: Protection of the Theotokos
Rublev's Pupil: St. Vladmir's Memorial Church
Rublev's Pupil: St. Mary's Church, Jackson NJ
Rublev's Pupil: St. Amfilokhiy of Pochaev
Rublev's Pupil: St. Job of Pochaev
Rublev's Pupil: two Pochaev saints
Rublev's Pupil: full fresco installed
Rublev's Pupil: Покровъ Пресвятой Богородицы
Rublev's Pupil: Преподобный Iовъ, игуменъ Почаевскiй
Rublev's Pupil: Преподобный Амфилохiй Почаевскiй
Rublev's Pupil: fully completed murals
Rublev's Pupil: "towelling"
Rublev's Pupil: more "towelling"
Rublev's Pupil: doorway to the sacistry