Rublev's Pupil: a packed church
Rublev's Pupil: great entrance
Rublev's Pupil: singing the Nicene creed
Rublev's Pupil: VIP section
Rublev's Pupil: priests organize for the procession
Rublev's Pupil: IMG_2478
Rublev's Pupil: IMG_2479
Rublev's Pupil: IMG_2480
Rublev's Pupil: IMG_2481
Rublev's Pupil: IMG_2482
Rublev's Pupil: IMG_2483
Rublev's Pupil: IMG_2487
Rublev's Pupil: view of the procession from within
Rublev's Pupil: cross & banners
Rublev's Pupil: icon of the new martyrs
Rublev's Pupil: priests carry the reliquaries
Rublev's Pupil: the mayor & the ataman
Rublev's Pupil: through the streets of Red bank
Rublev's Pupil: the procession continues past Dunkin Donuts
Rublev's Pupil: stopping in front of the church
Rublev's Pupil: returning into the church
Rublev's Pupil: icon bearers
Rublev's Pupil: congratulating the mayor
Rublev's Pupil: granting a commendation for the relic donor
Rublev's Pupil: the holy relics
Rublev's Pupil: venerating the cross
Rublev's Pupil: the iconographer with his work
Rublev's Pupil: icons & relics at the banquet