Rublev's Pupil: eve of the burial
Rublev's Pupil: reading the gospel over the body
Rublev's Pupil: +Metropolitan Laurus 1928-2008
Rublev's Pupil: during Lenten Hours
Rublev's Pupil: waiting for Presanctified Liturgy to begin
Rublev's Pupil: bishops descend
Rublev's Pupil: beginning liturgy
Rublev's Pupil: during reading of psalm 103
Rublev's Pupil: "O Gladsome Light"
Rublev's Pupil: Metropolitan Juvenaly of Kriutitsa & Kolomna
Rublev's Pupil: Archbishop Mark & Metropolitan Onufrey
Rublev's Pupil: priests enter the altar to commune
Rublev's Pupil: the line continues
Rublev's Pupil: and continues
Rublev's Pupil: Archimandrite Tikhon of Sretensky Monastery
Rublev's Pupil: giving out antidoron
Rublev's Pupil: nuns from Jerusalem
Rublev's Pupil: camera crews lined up
Rublev's Pupil: funeral begins
Rublev's Pupil: Metrpolitan Juvenaly speaks
Rublev's Pupil: reading condolences from the Patriarch
Rublev's Pupil: offering his own eulogy
Rublev's Pupil: crush of people
Rublev's Pupil: "Blessed art Thou o Lord..."
Rublev's Pupil: Synodal choir of Manhattan
Rublev's Pupil: Metr. Onufrey eulogises