Rublev's Pupil: IMG_0124
Rublev's Pupil: the march begins
Rublev's Pupil: Nikolaj & Katya
Rublev's Pupil: representing Russia
Rublev's Pupil: Vladyko Mitrofan
Rublev's Pupil: waiting to begin the moleban
Rublev's Pupil: stop support for Islamic terror
Rublev's Pupil: IMG_0137
Rublev's Pupil: Vladyko Mitrofan's sermon
Rublev's Pupil: listening to speeches
Rublev's Pupil: checking hierarchal text messages
Rublev's Pupil: highly sophisticated monitoring devices?
Rublev's Pupil: Sudetenland-1938/ Kosovo-2008
Rublev's Pupil: statistical info
Rublev's Pupil: friendly cop staring us down
Rublev's Pupil: LaRouche's people came out as well...
Rublev's Pupil: marching
Rublev's Pupil: Greek support for Serbia
Rublev's Pupil: a really huge Serbian flag
Rublev's Pupil: Russian representation
Rublev's Pupil: the supposed flag of independent Kosovo
Rublev's Pupil: the real flag of Kosovo now
Rublev's Pupil: and what other flag is like the Albanian one?
Rublev's Pupil: Serbs come in all colors
Rublev's Pupil: Rade shows who's boss