Rublev's Pupil: typical SF architecture
Rublev's Pupil: San Francisco street
Rublev's Pupil: Legion of Honor (with winter flowers!)
Rublev's Pupil: view from Lincoln Park
Rublev's Pupil: cathedral neighborhood
Rublev's Pupil: cathedral interior
Rublev's Pupil: north wall
Rublev's Pupil: iconostasis detail
Rublev's Pupil: episcopal throne
Rublev's Pupil: altar fresco
Rublev's Pupil: crucifixion fresco
Rublev's Pupil: ringing the bells
Rublev's Pupil: Archbishop Kirill with attendants
Rublev's Pupil: Vladimir Krassovsky, choir director
Rublev's Pupil: the amazing hookahs
Rublev's Pupil: taking a hit of the coconut hookah
Rublev's Pupil: Olya exhaling
Rublev's Pupil: Tikhon gives it a shot
Rublev's Pupil: me & Luba
Rublev's Pupil: a "serious" shot with Tasya
Rublev's Pupil: Misha inspects the decor
Rublev's Pupil: wow here it comes in a stand just like a real paper!