Rubin Laser:
Avignon, Riesenrad, Juni 2014
Rubin Laser:
Avignon, Rue Peyrollerie, Juni 2014
Rubin Laser:
Avignon, Papstpalast, 2014
Rubin Laser:
Avignon, vor dem Papstpalast, 2014
Rubin Laser:
Avignon, Parkwächter vor dem Palast der Päpste
Rubin Laser:
Merry-go-round with man&dog, Avignon, 2014
Rubin Laser:
Dancing statue, Park of Avignon, 2014
Rubin Laser:
Gipfelstürmer im Lavendelfeld, Luberon, Provence, 2014
Rubin Laser:
Sea of Lavender, Provence, June 2014
Rubin Laser:
Field of Lavender, Luberon, Juni 2014
Rubin Laser:
A try for lines and curves, Arles, June 2014
Rubin Laser:
"Pre-caged", Vogelkäfige, LʼIsle-sur-la-Sorgue, 2014
Rubin Laser:
Gordes, Vaucluse, Frankreich, 2014
Rubin Laser:
"Defense d'entrer", Notre-Dame de Sénanque, Vaucluse, Frankreich, 2014
Rubin Laser:
"Holes in my life", Fondation Maeght, Provence, June 2014
Rubin Laser:
Lavendel, Luberon, Provence, Frankreich, 2014
Rubin Laser:
"What's out there?", Fondation Maeght, Provence, 2014
Rubin Laser:
"I know what I like", Fondation Maeght, Provence, 2014
Rubin Laser:
"The world is a lonely place", Village in the Provence, 2014
Rubin Laser:
"End of the road", Provence, June 2014
Rubin Laser:
"Up where I belong", Statue of de Sade in Lacoste, Provence, June 2014
Rubin Laser:
Composition with lamp, Lacoste, Juni 2014
Rubin Laser:
"Luring monster", Fondation Maeght, June 2014
Rubin Laser:
Wasserrad, LʼIsle-sur-la-Sorgue, 2014
Rubin Laser:
Turning the wheel, L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue, Provence, Juni 2014
Rubin Laser:
Lines \\ and ||||, Isle sur la Sorgue, June 2014
Rubin Laser:
Blick aufs Grand Palais, Paris 2015
Rubin Laser:
Detail des Wintergartens, Museum Jacquemart André, Paris 2015
Rubin Laser:
"Have a look", Paris 2015
Rubin Laser:
It's raining again, Marais, Paris