Rubin Laser:
Rubin Laser:
"Wondering" – Living Statue im Botanischen Garten, Rom, Okt. 2014
Rubin Laser:
Maimonides, Living Statues, Old City of Córdoba, 2012
Rubin Laser:
"Thinking of the Past", Living Statues, Rome, 2014
Rubin Laser:
"Keep smiling", Living Statues, Rome, Oct. 2014
Rubin Laser:
Living Statue Portrait, Rome, Oct. 2014
Rubin Laser:
Herder in Riga, 2011
Rubin Laser:
Living Statues, Stadtpark, Riga, 2012
Rubin Laser:
Weiblicher Akt, Living Statue, Stadtpark, Riga, 2012
Rubin Laser:
Vor dem Picassomuseum II, Antibes, Provence, Frankreich, 2014
Rubin Laser:
Vor dem Picassomuseum, Antibes, Provence, Frankreich, 2014
Rubin Laser:
Florenz, 2012
Rubin Laser:
"Muse in thought", Living Statue at the University, Freiburg, 2015
Rubin Laser:
"Composing the future", Statue of Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Düsseldorf, 2015