rubinajo: park & ride construction
rubinajo: view from target parking lot
rubinajo: the illustrious backhoe
rubinajo: car wash (1)
rubinajo: car wash (2)
rubinajo: car wash (3)
rubinajo: car wash (4)
rubinajo: car wash (5)
rubinajo: dinner
rubinajo: an intersection
rubinajo: clean car, new trash can
rubinajo: dash needs to be dusted
rubinajo: oh no! i'm being spied on!
rubinajo: nearly home
rubinajo: a steering wheel
rubinajo: even closer to home!
rubinajo: down the hill
rubinajo: clean car! clean paw prints!
rubinajo: 20100627 - flower by driveway
rubinajo: and the front section is clear too!
rubinajo: left foot, flowery flip flops
rubinajo: entrance to house