Rubens1577: The Board Room for Officers of the Ordnance Board at the Royal Arsenal, Woolwich (1718-20)
Rubens1577: The frontispiece of the Board Room for Officers of the Ordnance Board at the Royal Arsenal, Woolwich (1718-20)
Rubens1577: Entrance door to the Board Room for Officers of the Ordnance Board at the Royal Arsenal, Woolwich (1718-20)
Rubens1577: Entrance to the Board Room for Officers of the Ordnance Board at the Royal Arsenal, Woolwich (1718-20)
Rubens1577: Clock on the frontispiece to the Board Room for Officers of the Ordnance Board at the Royal Arsenal, Woolwich (1718-20)
Rubens1577: Clock and wind dial of The Board Room for Officers of the Ordnance Board at the Royal Arsenal, Woolwich (1718-20)
Rubens1577: The frontispiece of the Board Room for Officers of the Ordnance Board at the Royal Arsenal, Woolwich (1718-20)
Rubens1577: Piers with pyramids of cannon balls from the entrance to Dial Square at the Royal Arsenal, Woolwich (1717-20)
Rubens1577: Side door to the Brass Foundry at the Royal Arsenal, Woolwich (1716-17, 1771-74)
Rubens1577: Detail from the quadrangular building in Laboratory Square, Royal Arsenal, Woolwich (circa 1810)
Rubens1577: Detail from the quadrangular building in Laboratory Square, Royal Arsenal, Woolwich (circa 1810)
Rubens1577: Detail of the Doric portico to the Main Guardroom at the Royal Arsenal, Woolwich (1788)