Rubens1577: Detail of a capital from the Bedingfield monuments in the church of St John the Evangelist, Oxburgh, Norfolk (c.1530)
Rubens1577: Detail of a canopy from the Bedingfield monuments in the church of St John the Evangelist, Oxburgh, Norfolk (c.1530)
Rubens1577: Detail from the Bedingfield monuments in the church of St John the Evangelist, Oxburgh, Norfolk (c.1530)
Rubens1577: Detail of a capital from the Bedingfield monuments in the church of St John the Evangelist, Oxburgh, Norfolk (c.1530)
Rubens1577: Detail of an ornamental pilaster from the Bedingfield monuments in the church of St John the Evangelist, Oxburgh, Norfolk (c.1530)
Rubens1577: Detail of a tomb chest from the Bedingfield monuments in the church of St John the Evangelist, Oxburgh, Norfolk (c.1530)
Rubens1577: Strapwork detail from the monument to Alexander Denton († 1576) by Thomas Kirby
Rubens1577: Monument to Alexander Denton († 1576) and his wife, Mary († 1574), by Thomas Kirby
Rubens1577: Claw feet from a monument to Alexander Denton († 1576) and his wife, Mary († 1574), by Thomas Kirby
Rubens1577: Monument to Sir Anthony Ashley († 1627) and his wife, Jane Okeover, at St Giles, Wimborne St Giles, Dorset
Rubens1577: Monument to Sir Anthony Ashley († 1627) and his wife, Jane Okeover, at St Giles, Wimborne St Giles, Dorset
Rubens1577: Monument to Robert Suckling († 1589) and his first wife, Elizabeth Barwick († 1569) in the church of St Andrew, Norwich, Norfolk
Rubens1577: Detail of Robert Suckling († 1589) with his first wife, Elizabeth Barwick († 1569), from their monument in the church of St Andrew, Norwich
Rubens1577: Detail of Elizabeth Barwick († 1569) and her daughters from the monument to her and her husband Robert Suckling († 1589) in the church of St Andrew, Norwich
Rubens1577: Detail of a skull on a chalice stand from the monument to Robert Suckling († 1589) with his first wife, Elizabeth Barwick († 1569) in the church of St Andrew, Norwich
Rubens1577: Detail of a skull on a chalice stand from the monument to Robert Suckling († 1589) with his first wife, Elizabeth Barwick († 1569) in the church of St Andrew, Norwich
Rubens1577: Monument to Nicholas St John (c.1535 -1589), and his wife, Elizabeth Blount, in the church of St Mary, Lydiard Tregoze, Wiltshire (1592)
Rubens1577: Monument to Nicholas St John (c.1535 -1589), and his wife, Elizabeth Blount, in the church of St Mary, Lydiard Tregoze, Wiltshire (1592)
Rubens1577: Effigy of Nicholas St John (c.1535 -1589) from the monument to him and his wife, Elizabeth Blount, in the church of St Mary, Lydiard Tregoze, Wiltshire (1592)
Rubens1577: Effigy of Elizabeth Blount from the monument to her and her husband, Nicholas St John (c.1535 -1589), in the church of St Mary, Lydiard Tregoze, Wiltshire (1592)
Rubens1577: Effigy of Elizabeth Blount from the monument to her and her husband, Nicholas St John (c.1535 -1589), in the church of St Mary, Lydiard Tregoze, Wiltshire (1592)
Rubens1577: Monument to Edward Archer († 1603) at St Mary, Uffington, Berkshire
Rubens1577: Corinthian capital and entablature with strapwork from the monument to Edward Archer († 1603) at St Mary, Uffington, Berkshire
Rubens1577: Detail from the monument to Edward Archer († 1603) at St Mary, Uffington, Berkshire
Rubens1577: John St John, 1st Baronet († 1648) from his monument in the church of St Mary, Lydiard Tregoze, Wiltshire (1634)
Rubens1577: One of the sons of John St John, 1st Baronet († 1648) and his first wife, Anne Leighton († 1628), from the family monument in the church of St Mary, Lydiard Tregoze, Wiltshire (1634)
Rubens1577: Three of the sons of John St John, 1st Baronet († 1648) and his first wife, Anne Leighton († 1628), from the family monument in the church of St Mary, Lydiard Tregoze, Wiltshire (1634)
Rubens1577: Margaret Whitemore († 1637), second wife of John St John, 1st Baronet († 1648), from their monument in the church of St Mary, Lydiard Tregoze, Wiltshire (1634)
Rubens1577: Head of one of the daughters of John St John, 1st Baronet († 1648) and his first wife, Anne Leighton († 1628), in the church of St Mary, Lydiard Tregoze, Wiltshire (1634)
Rubens1577: Kneeling figure of one of the daughters of John St John, 1st Baronet († 1648) and his first wife, Anne Leighton († 1628), in the church of St Mary, Lydiard Tregoze, Wiltshire (1634)