Rubens1577: Detail of the brackets supporting the gallery of the Great Hall at the Queen's House, Greenwich, by Inigo Jones
Rubens1577: Detail of the brackets supporting the gallery of the Great Hall at the Queen's House, Greenwich, by Inigo Jones
Rubens1577: Carved bracket at 25, Albury Street, Deptford, London (1705-17)
Rubens1577: Carved bracket at 25, Albury Street, Deptford, London (1705-17)
Rubens1577: 21, Crow Lane, Rochester, Kent
Rubens1577: 21,Crow Lane, Rochester, Kent
Rubens1577: Bracket on a doorway at the Almshouses at Trinity Green, Whitechapel (1695)
Rubens1577: 21, Crow Lane, Rochester, Kent
Rubens1577: The Corn Exchange, Rochester, Kent (1706)
Rubens1577: The Corn Exchange, Rochester, Kent (1706)
Rubens1577: The Corn Exchange, Rochester, Kent (1706)
Rubens1577: 13, Lincoln's Inn, London
Rubens1577: 41-42, Great Ormond Street, London (c.1704-08)
Rubens1577: 26, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London
Rubens1577: 11 Richmond Green, Richmond, Surrey
Rubens1577: 6, Ormond Road, Richmond, Surrey
Rubens1577: 19 Kew Foot Road, Richmond, Surrey
Rubens1577: 12, Richmond Green, Richmond, Surrey