Rubens1577: 43, King Street, Westminster, London (1716-17, and 1871)
Rubens1577: 43, King Street, Westminster, London (1716-17, and 1871)
Rubens1577: 43, King Street, Westminster, London (1716-17, and 1871)
Rubens1577: Tower added to Nicholas Hawksmoor's St Alfrege (Greenwich) of 1711-14 by John James in 1730
Rubens1577: Entablature with metope-triglyph frieze from St John Smith Square, by Thomas Archer (1713-28)
Rubens1577: Doric entablature with metope-triglyph frieze from St Alfrege, Greenwich, by Nicholas Hawksmoor (1711-1714)
Rubens1577: Parapet with urns at Wentworth Woodhouse, Yorkshire (1724-28)