Rubens1577: Vault of the Tribune at Strawberry Hill, Twickenham (1763)
Rubens1577: Vault of the Tribune at Strawberry Hill, Twickenham (1763)
Rubens1577: Detail of a lunette and hexagonal coffering by James Thornhill from the ceiling of the Chapel at Wimpole Hall (1720s)
Rubens1577: Detail of a spandrel by John Soane in the Yellow Drawing Room at Wimpole Hall, Cambridgeshire (1793)
Rubens1577: Detail of the skylight dome and spandrel by John Soane in the Yellow Drawing Room at Wimpole Hall, Cambridgeshire (1793)
Rubens1577: Skylight from the Bath House by John Soane at Wimpole Hall, Cambridgeshire (circa 1792)
Rubens1577: Detail of the elliptical arches by John Soane in The Book Room at Wimpole, Cambridgeshire (1806)