Syttie <3: mọi người vào mua ủng hộ shop Joursetta nhéee
cinnieee (:: Big bear ♥ big hug ♥
cinnieee (:: Ngày gió tàn theo nỗi thương nhớ. Mưa rơi cứ rơi hoài.. cho lòng ai buồn :)
cinnieee (:: I'm officially broken.
cinnieee (:: Miss Paris so bad :)
cinnieee (:: We don't talk anymore, and the saddest part is we used to talk everyday...
cinnieee (:: Hope seems like the summer bird too swiftly flown away.
cinnieee (:: Summer paradise ♥
cinnieee (:: I have found that if you love life, life will love you back.
Mun Tròn Trĩnh =) :P~: 2012-08-27 20.17.54-001
cinnieee (:: Dans la vie d'amour
cinnieee (:: Don't let me go alone.
cinnieee (:: The Linhs ♥
cinnieee (:: All of a sudden, our conversation became awkward.
cinnieee (:: Baby, its 3 months already ♥
Trân Nguyễn ✰: Taken by my boyfriend (:
Trân Nguyễn ✰: Giờ này ngoài trời đang mưa rơi, em cô đơn nơi góc tối.
cinnieee (:: From Paris with love <3
Chồn.: ❌X:x
TyKitten :]: last day of grade 10
Syttie <3: “We do not remember days, we remember moments. The richness of life lies in memories we have forgotten.”
Chồn.: ❌X:x
TyKitten :]: DSC06195
cinnieee (:: I only want to love you twice in my lifetime. That's now and forever :)