Robert Twomey: IMG_8099
Robert Twomey: my street corner, Perú and Venezuela.
Robert Twomey: front stairs looking to entrance
Robert Twomey: hall looking to front stairs
Robert Twomey: back patio (notice birds on fence)
Robert Twomey: morning (???) doves on back patio. (pigeons?)
Robert Twomey: work desk in main room
Robert Twomey: my street from other direction. chinese market underneath grafitti
Robert Twomey: chinese market
Robert Twomey: parque de la memoria
Robert Twomey: Gormly sculpture, off the coast of parque de memoria
Robert Twomey: Monumento a las Víctimas del Terrorismo de Estado en la parque de la Memoria
Robert Twomey: puente de la mujer, bridge by calatrava. it pivots around the middle to let boats by
Robert Twomey: one block over on calle perú.
Robert Twomey: no-one wears shorts. except me, today.
Robert Twomey: Ping-pong bar
Robert Twomey: pool. looking the other way at the ping-pong bar.
Robert Twomey: Nico at the Ping-Pong Bar
Robert Twomey: about to lose...
Robert Twomey: Casa de Nico, Tere, and Nina.