rtw2007: KPP Checkpoint, Chornobyl Exclusion Zone
rtw2007: Warning sign as we approached Chornobyl Exclusion Zone
rtw2007: Chornobyl Town Sign
rtw2007: Memorial to the Firefighters, Chornobyl
rtw2007: Dennis checks his Geiger counter
rtw2007: Reactor 4 with protective sarcophagus, Chornobyl
rtw2007: Abandonded hotel in Pripyat main square, Chornobyl
rtw2007: Pripyat Main Square, Chornobyl
rtw2007: Abandonded Pripyat Ferris Wheel, Chornobyl
rtw2007: Pripyat Dodgems ride, Chornbobyl
rtw2007: Mural at Pripyat Town Square, Chornobyl
rtw2007: Pripyat Ferris Wheel II, Chornobyl
rtw2007: Pripyat Dodgems ride II,Chornobyl
rtw2007: Abandoned Vodka Bottle in Pripyat, Chornobyl
rtw2007: Abandoned Ships near Chornobyl
rtw2007: Dennis the guide checks his Geiger counter by a tank (high reading due to dust) whilst smoking and drinking...
rtw2007: Chornobyl Mural, Chornobyl Town centre
rtw2007: Rich in the radioactivity Checking Machine, Chornobyl