Radu Tihon: the eye
Radu Tihon: smoke ring
Radu Tihon: in the garden
Radu Tihon: the woman with tricolor
Radu Tihon: trains are my life
Radu Tihon: habitants of Baraboo
Radu Tihon: someone the third
Radu Tihon: shaving
Radu Tihon: the clue
Radu Tihon: kids from the village. Moldova.
Radu Tihon: fish seller
Radu Tihon: nationalist manifestation. Chisinau, Moldova.
Radu Tihon: workman at the train depot. Chisinau, Moldova.
Radu Tihon: nationalist manifestation. Chisinau, Moldova
Radu Tihon: My best Moldova!
Radu Tihon: back home from school
Radu Tihon: train depot workers
Radu Tihon: the matinee