Wes Modes: Studying up on the new Mercury parts from our Official Engine Provider. #secrethistory
Wes Modes: Setting in supplies thanks to a pretty sweet sponsorship. #secrethistory #boatbeer
Wes Modes: MerControl2 wired up for new power. Good day of work w Benzy, James & Miah. #secrethistory
Wes Modes: James and Wes rewiring (turns out unnecessarily) the new MerController. #secrethistory
Wes Modes: Making holes in a perfectly good boat with a clever jig. #secrethistory #TheJigIsUp
Wes Modes: How hot is it? So hot my Mac power supply is literally melting. #heatwave
Wes Modes: Freddy2 unshrouded. #secrethistory
Wes Modes: New MerControl on the shantyboat. Looks a little too new. #secrethistory
Wes Modes: No room on THIS couch.
Wes Modes: Wes replaces roof panels bent up from trimming trees across 15 states. #secrethistory
Wes Modes: Came home to find that @xbubs.s had made us beautiful early summer crowns.
Wes Modes: Late night tree surprise. A dead 4' diameter Doug fir came down eating our fence and nearly nom noming my motorcycle.
Wes Modes: The cutest little shed in the whole world. I love my neighbors.
Wes Modes: Oh nothing much. Just routing cables within Freddy2's guts. #secrethistory
Wes Modes: Steering: check. Throttle: check. Shift: check. Battery: check. Controls: check. Freddy2 ready for action. @mercurymarine #secrethistory
Wes Modes: After years of effort to make sure our motor well was sealed I am cutting a huge hole in it. #secrethistory
Wes Modes: Making big holes in the motor well to bolt on the new motor. @mercurymarine #secrethistory
Wes Modes: Miah wires up our homemade wiring post for gauge panel. #secrethistory
Wes Modes: Benzy sews up the meese holes in our screens. #secrethistory
Wes Modes: Jeremiah puts the finishing touches on the new instrument panel. #ballin #secrethistory
Wes Modes: 3 days and getting there. #todolist #secrethistory
Wes Modes: Important last minute printing tasks. Leave your river story at the Secret History exhibit at the Sacramento History Museum in July. #secrethistory
Wes Modes: Sac River maps arrived at the last minute! So fun to see every little slough, channel, and marina. #secrethistory
Wes Modes: Inauspicious start. Had to replace blown fuse with DIY shunt from bottle cap! #secrethistory
Wes Modes: Success! Made it to Sacramento History Museum though several hours later than expected. #secrethistory
Wes Modes: A.T.&S.F. Engine #5021 at the Sacramento Train Museum. #oldtrains #hobo
Wes Modes: Spite and Malice by candlelight on the shantyboat squatting in Old Town. #secrethistory
Wes Modes: "They were not mere victims to the actions of others. In fact, many Indians actively attempting to resist invasion unto their lands, to shape their destinies, and adjust their lives to the changing conditions that confronted them." Kudos to the Sacramento
Wes Modes: Secret History exhibit set up on the way to our launch in Red Bluff. #secrethistory
Wes Modes: Secret History exhibit at the Sacramento History Museum through July. #secrethistory