Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens: Following the Flurry
Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens: Snow Flurry on a Subantartic Beach
Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens: Elephant Seals on Station
Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens: Young elephant seal amongst the bull kelp
Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens: View of Buckles Bay on Macquarie Island from Wireless Hill
Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens: View of Macquarie Island Station
Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens: View from Macquarie Station to Wireless Hill
Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens: Station Buildings Macquarie Island 2013
Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens: Josh the Plumber installing the 2nd pump
Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens: Nat making up potting media on Wireless Hill
Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens: Carrying beach pebbles up Wireless Hill 2013
Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens: Nat returning from Field Training Oct 2013, Image by Barend (Barry) Becker)
Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens: RTBG Horticultural Botanist Natalie Tapson with the planting frames
Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens: Initial layout of planting frames Oct 2013
Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens: Assessing the Equipment on Wireless Hill
Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens: A Gentoo Penguin on Macquarie Island
Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens: Colony of Royal Penguins on Macquarie Island
Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens: Azorella macquarensis on the plateau
Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens: Azorella macquariensis
Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens: Different colour form of Pleurphyllym hookeri
Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens: Pleurophyllum hookeri in flower
Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens: Pleurophyllum hookeri
Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens: Views over the Herb Fields
Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens: Poa foliosa on Macquarie Island
Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens: Stilbocarpa polaris in fruit