Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens: View- Knot garden , cottage, Domain
Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens: View from Superintendants Cottage
Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens: Looking North from Gardens
Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens: Arthur Wall with chimney pot
Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens: View showing Eardley Wilmot Wall at old foreshore pre 1878
Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens: Government House from Gardens
Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens: Jardin Botanique-painting L Le Breton 1850
Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens: Early view of Gardens -stereopghotograph 1850-60s
Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens: Early view looking NEast stereophotograph
Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens: Bench Seats on Foreshore 1910c
Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens: Government House from Gardens c
Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens: Print of a watercolour 1845 artist unknown Plate 6 'The Derwent VDL From the Observatory (44)'- View from Rossbank Observatory c
Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens: View from Gardens1858
Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens: Foreshore - Eardly Wilmot Wall c
Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens: View -Knot garden to Superintendants cottage c
Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens: Royal Society Gardens 1858(query earlier) c
Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens: Superintendants Cottage c
Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens: View- Knot garden , cottage, Domain c
Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens: Superintendants garden stereophotograph - showing small parterre c 1850-60s. (1) c
Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens: Superintendants garden stereophotograph - showing small parterre c 1850-60s. c