Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens:
Here they come!
Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens:
Getting ready to start the Picnic
Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens:
Guest speaker Penny Tame with her bear
Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens:
Even bears need health care
Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens:
The Doctors give some TLC
Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens:
Faeries provide some magic
Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens:
That bear's waving
Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens:
A great big bear and double trouble
Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens:
The crowd gathers
Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens:
Through the trees
Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens:
Through the trees 2
Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens:
More balloons than bears
Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens:
Life be in it - no need to tell the bears
Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens:
There they go