rsteup: River Rogue Battle
rsteup: Baby Soldier
rsteup: Pipes and Drums (Canon EOS 60D HD video)
rsteup: Pipes and Drums
rsteup: Mississinewa 1812 Reenactor
rsteup: Native American Reenactor
rsteup: Hang Your Hat
rsteup: British Reenactor
rsteup: Playing the pipes
rsteup: Wading in the river
rsteup: Passing in review
rsteup: The heat of battle
rsteup: Mississinewa 1812 Battle Reenactment (Canon EOS 60D HD video)
rsteup: Firing line
rsteup: Musician Hillary
rsteup: Warrior
rsteup: Fire!
rsteup: That's flexibility!
rsteup: Ready for battle
rsteup: Boom!
rsteup: The Clockwork Clown and Company, Historic Entertainers (Canon EOS 60D HD video)
rsteup: Fire eater at Mississinewa 1812
rsteup: Musicians at Mississinewa 1812 - Hillary Wagner
rsteup: Cute kids at Mississinewa 1812
rsteup: Pretty girls at Mississinewa 1812
rsteup: Pretty girls at Mississinewa 1812
rsteup: Pretty girls at Mississinewa 1812
rsteup: British Reenactor
rsteup: Don't try this at home
rsteup: Native American Reenactors