rst12: IMG_4498
rst12: IMG_4497
rst12: Rouge en Noir Cheese Factory and Showroom in Petaluma, California
rst12: IMG_4133
rst12: IMG_4136
rst12: IMG_4135
rst12: IMG_4130
rst12: IMG_4129
rst12: IMG_4128
rst12: IMG_4111
rst12: IMG_4110
rst12: IMG_4109
rst12: Boudin Bakery, San Francisco
rst12: IMG_4107
rst12: IMG_4360
rst12: IMG_4359
rst12: Samosas at Naan and Curry, San Francisco
rst12: IMG_4385
rst12: Kitchen at Chow, San Francisco
rst12: IMG_4022
rst12: IMG_4024
rst12: IMG_4017
rst12: IMG_4016
rst12: IMG_3996
rst12: IMG_3986
rst12: IMG_3980
rst12: Grapes at the Sterling Vinyard, Napa, Ca.
rst12: IMG_4141
rst12: IMG_4140
rst12: IMG_4139