Becky~Sue: Red leaf
Becky~Sue: Fall Dogwood
Becky~Sue: Boo!
Becky~Sue: Illuminated
Becky~Sue: Fall forest flare
Becky~Sue: Less impaled and more like hanging on for dear life
Becky~Sue: Impaled by the tree or by the light?
Becky~Sue: Impaled
Becky~Sue: On top of Peaked Mountain
Becky~Sue: Living on the edge
Becky~Sue: Now I lay me down to...
Becky~Sue: Mottled
Becky~Sue: Color wind
Becky~Sue: Vibrant
Becky~Sue: Power to the people!
Becky~Sue: Mamadunk on Peaked Mtn.
Becky~Sue: The fading sun
Becky~Sue: Super friends unite!
Becky~Sue: Thankful for this 71 degree moment
Becky~Sue: De-light
Becky~Sue: Rest ye weary head
Becky~Sue: One room schoolhouse
Becky~Sue: By the flare of the fading light
Becky~Sue: Oak leaf under light
Becky~Sue: Toys 'R Us?
Becky~Sue: Bagpipers piping
Becky~Sue: On your mark!
Becky~Sue: Fingers Crossed
Becky~Sue: Grateful for light
Becky~Sue: Flight